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Necro Pheliacs are people who have sex with dead people


irenic (eye-reen'-ick) adj. favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation
jeremiad (jair-uh-my'-ad) n. a prolonged complaint.
kerf (kerf) n. 1: a slit or notch made by a saw or cutting torch. 2: the width of cut made by a saw or cutting torch. 
legerity (le-jehr'-it-ee) n. alert, facile quickness of mind or body
marmoreal (mar-more'-ee-al) adj. of, relating to, or suggestive of marble or a marble statue, especially in coldness or aloofness.
naff (naff) adj. 1: unstylish, clichéd, or outmoded. 2: to fool around or go about. naff off rude imperative. go away! [British slang.]
oikology (oy-koll'-uh-jee) n. the study, or science of housekeeping.
pessimal (pess'-im-ull) adj. 1: maximally bad, opposite of optimal. 2: of an organism's environment, least favorable for survival.
quidam (kwee'-dahm, kwid'-dahm ?) n. an anonymous or unknown person
recondite (ree'-kon-dite, ri-kon'-dite) adj. 1: not easily understood. 2: concerned with or treating something obscure. 3: concealed; hidden.
sybaritic (sib-uh-rit'-ick) adj. furnishing gratification of the senses, hedonistic, voluptuous, luxurious.
tyro (tie'-roh) n. a beginner in learning, a novice.
ullage (ull'-ij) n. 1: the amount that a container (as a cask or tank) lacks being full; 2: apparently, in the UK, ullage is also the amount left in the keg considered undrinkable; dregs.
vigorish (vig'-er-ish) n. 1: charge taken (as by a bookie or gambling house) on bets. 2: interest paid to a moneylender.
writhen (rye'-then (soft th, as in then)) adj. being twisted or contorted. xanthochroi (zan-thock'-roy) white persons having light hair and fair skin. adj.& singular n. form is xanthochroid (zanth'-uh-kroid).
yestreen (yes-treen') n. (chiefly Scottish) last evening or last night.
gribble (grib'-ul) n. a small marine crustacean that destroys submerged timber.
pelf (pelf) n. money, riches.
aeneous (ay-ee'-nee-us) adj. brassy or golden green in color.
forb (forb) n. an herb other than grass.
eleemosynary (ell'-im-oss'-in-air-ee) adj. of, relating to, or supported by charity.
foofaraw (foo'-fa-raw) n. a disturbance or to-do over a trifle.
lanai (lan-nye') n. porch; veranda.
shandrydan (shan'-dree-dan) a rickety vehicle.
tardigrade (tar'-di-graid) 1: slow-paced; moving or stepping slowly. 
ontic ( on'-tick) adj. of, relating to, or having real being.
lubricious ( loob-rish'-us) adj. having a smooth or slippery quality.
inchmeal ( inch'-meel) adv. little by little; gradually
costermonger ( coss'-ter-mong'-ger) n. a hawker of fruit or vegetables.
pilgarlic ( pill-gar'-lick) n. a bald head.
costard ( coss'-terd) n.  any of several large English cooking apples.
quotidian (quote-tid'-ee-an) adj. 1: occuring every day. 2: commonplace; ordinary.
nystagmus (niss-tag'-muss) n. a rapid involuntary oscillation of the eyes that can be vertical horizontal or torsional, as from dizziness, or balance disorders.
bathos (bay'-thos) n. in speech or writing, a ludicrous descent from the sublime to the commonplace; an anticlimax. 
dubiosity (doob'-ee-oss'-it-ee) n. a feeling of doubt; a doubtful matter.
jactation (jack-tay'-shun) n. boasting; bragging.
lubritorium (loob'-rit-tor'-ee-um) n. a station for lubricating motor vehicles.
cullion (cull'-yun, cull'-ee-un) n. a mean or base fellow. [from Middle English coillon "testicle".]
wallydrag (wale'-ee-drag) n. (Scottish) a feeble, dwarfed animal or person. literatim (litt'-er-ate'-im) adv. letter-for-letter; literally.
flaneur (flan-nur') n. a loafer.
cuesta (kwest'-ah) n. a cliff
anodyne (ann'-uh-dine) n. something that soothes, calms or comforts.
weazen (wee'-zen) v.i. to shrink or shrivel, to cause to shrink.
brumal (broom'-all) adj. wintery.
estaminet (ess-tam'-een-ehy') n. a café or coffeehouse.
incarnadine ( in-car'-nuh-deen') adj. blood-red.
gork (gork) n. vegetable, in the sense of a person who is severely mentally or physically impaired.
xanthous (zan'-thuss) adj. yellow.
yoni (yonn'-ee) n. a representation of the external female genitals, regarded as the symbol of Shakti. adj. yonic.
demersal (dim-merss-all) adj. sinking to the bottom of the sea.
anthemion (an-thee'-mee-un) n. a flat ornament of floral form
clapperclaw (clap'-ur-claw') v.t. to claw with the nails. 
kloof (kloof) n. a deep glen; ravine.
pavid (pav'-id) adj. timid.
wyvern (wiv'-ern) n. a mythical creature often depicted heraldically as a two legged winged dragon with a barbed tail.
flannelmouthed (flan'-el-mouthd) adj. speaking in a tricky or ingratiating way.
chondrule (kon'-drool) n. a rounded granule of cosmic origin often found embedded in meteoric stones and sometimes free in marine sediments.
petitio principii (peh-tish'-ee-oh prin-sip'-ee-eye) n. a logical fallacy in which a premise is assumed to be true without warrant, or in which what is to be proved is implicitly taken for granted.
kyte (kite) n. stomach; belly.
pawky (paw'-kee) adj. artfully shrewd; canny.
katzenjammer (katz'-en-jam'-ur) n. 1: hangover. 2: distress; depression. catchpenny (katch'-pen'-nee) adj. designed especially to appeal to the ignorant or unwary through sensationalism or cheapness.
cogent (koh'-jent) adj. convincing.
abulia (ay-byool'-ee-uh) n. abnormal lack of ability to act or make decisions.
roundheel (rownd'-heel) n. a pushover.
kempt (kempt) adj. neatly kept; trim; tidy.
aeolian (ee-ole'-ee-an) adj.  giving forth or marked by a moaning or sighing sound chorine (kor-een') n. a chorus girl.
infrangible (in-fran'-jib-bull) adj. incapable of being broken or separated.
patzer (paht'-sur) n. an inept chess player.
mistigris (miss'-tigg-riss, miss'-tigg-ree) n.1: in the game of poker, the extra card, or joker, which may have any value the holder wishes. 2: a variation of poker misoneism (miss'-oh-nee'-iz-um, my'-soh-nee'-iz-um) n. fear of change 
discalceate (diss-kal'-see-ate') v.t. to pull off shoes or sandals
mimesis (mim-eese'-iss) n.imitation of speech or behavior etc.
pleonasm (plee'-oh-naz-um) n. redundance of words in speaking or writing; bezoar (buh-zore') n. a hard indigestible mass of material in the stomach volacious (voh-lay'-shuss) adj. apt or fit to fly.
Demiurge (dem'-ee-urj') n. a name for the maker or creator of the world.
kakistocracy (kak-uh-stock'-ruh-see) n. government by the worst people. [from Greek kakistos "worst," superlative of kakos "bad" + cratos "rule, sway, authority"].
mell (mell) n. honey.
pe·tard (pet-tard') n. 1: a small bell-shaped bomb
psilanthropy (sigh-lann'-throp-ee) n. the doctrine that Jesus was merely a human being.
pulchritude (pull'-krit-tood) adj. physical beauty.
embrangle (em-brang'-gull) v.t. to make complicated.
exigent (egg'-zi-jent) adj. urgent.
Volapük (vole'-ah-puke) n. an artificial language
clapter (clap'-ter) n. the sound of clapping.
Esperanto (ess'-pehr-ahn'-toe) n. an artificial language
wamble (wahm'-bull) v.i.  to turn, twist, writhe, roll, or wiggle about. 
maven (may'ven) n. a person who has special knowlege or experience; an expert. [from Yiddish meyvn from Hebrew mebin "to understand"].
pulvinar (puhl-vine'-ar) adj. a pillow or pad, resembling a cushion or pillow.
digerati (dij-uh-rah'-tee) pl. n: persons knowledgeable about computers and technology.
exiguous (egg-zig'-you-us) adj. small; slender; minute; diminutive.
prolegomenon (pro-leg-omm'-enn-on) n. An introductory discourse. prolegomena preliminary remarks or observations.
wapper jaw (wahp'-ur-jaw) n. a misshapen or projecting underjaw.
pridian (prid'-ee-an) adj. pertaining or belonging to the previous day.
dirl (durl) v.t. to vibrate or tingle  n. a vibration or tingling sensation.
viviparous (vye-vipp'-er-us) adj. 1: bearing or bringing forth live young instead of laying eggs.
brickbat (brik'-bat) n.  any rocklike missile. 
colporteur (koll'-port-ur) n. a person who travels to sell or publicize Bibles, religious tracts, etc.
ditty bag (ditt'-ee bag') n. a small bag used esp. by sailors to hold sewing implements, toiletries, etc.